Smart budgeting and management accounting for business
Experience Planior: the online financial software for budgeting, planning, forecasting, reporting, and in-depth analytics for small and medium business.
Experience Planior: the online financial software for budgeting, planning, forecasting, reporting, and in-depth analytics for small and medium business.
Expert-Designed Budgets, Accounts, and Metrics for Your Business Advancement.
Launches quickly on any computer or mobile phone. Nothing excessive.
Starts from $8.50/mo for Optimal plan (PL, CF, cash based accounting).
Plan your company's budget, control revenues and expenses, net profit and EBITDA.
Useful tools for plan vs actual vs last year analysis. Budget forecasting with various scenarios.
Flexible options to customize budgets to fit your business needs. Supports multiple versions of budgets.
Automated import of transactions from banks: Tochka, Tinkoff, Openbank . More integrations coming soon.
Import bank transactions from your bank statement. Automatic categorization of transactions by rules.
Import of transactions from ЮMoney, Robokassa and digital wallets in CSV and XLS formats.
Consolidated budget by all company's entities with the elimination of intercompany transactions.
Profit & Loss, Cash Flow and Balance Sheet. Accrual and cash basis accounting. Control of payables and receivables.
Multi-currency accounting. Translates transactions to base currency and calculates exchange rate differences.
Plan cash inflows and outflows with a daily and weekly breakdown. Cash management and control of cash shortfalls.
Export any budget from Planior to an Excel file. Fill the Excel file with your budget data and import it back to Planior.
All traffic is encrypted with SSL, regular data backups. The service is accessible from any location.
Add team members to collaborate on budgeting. Manage their access privileges and permissions.
Helen Lambert
Business owner
George Cardwell
Sole trader
Anna Malik
Professional accountant