Understand your business’s true profitability. Analyse what generates income and what incurs expenses. Monitor business revenues and costs efficiently with Planior.
Over 200 P&L categories
Categorise all income and expenses into four key sections: sales, payroll, operating expenses, and financial expenses. Analyse each section independently for clarity and avoid working with overwhelming, endless spreadsheets.
Shows revenue, cost of goods sold (COGS), and gross profit. This is the cornerstone budget for any business, answering how much gross profit is earned from sales.
Includes salaries, bonuses, and related taxes or insurance contributions. Often, this is one of the largest expense groups in many businesses.
Covers other operating costs like rent, marketing, and more. Typically, this section contains the highest number of expense categories.
Details additional income and costs unrelated to core operations, such as loan interest payments.
Informed Choices
Plan revenue, profit, and EBITDA; track actual performance; and identify where plans diverge from results. A clear net profit graph helps evaluate your business’s financial health and make informed managerial decisions.
Project Profitability
Understand which business areas are profitable and which generate losses. This helps eliminate unprofitable projects and focus on high-performing, promising business segments.
Time Savings
Connect with your bank feed or upload transactions from files (1C, XLS, CSV).
Use the AI Assistant or set up rules to categorise transactions into budget items effortlessly.
Planior instantly generates your P&L report with data visualisations and analytics.
Dividend Planning
P&L shows how much money can be allocated as dividends without harming the business. To determine the exact share of net profit for dividends, consider planned investments and loan repayments as outlined in your Cash Flow Budget.
Expense Transparency
Drill down into any P&L budget figure to see detailed transaction data. This feature enables you to quickly find out what was paid, to whom, and why, right down to the invoice level.
Additional Benefits of Planior
All features of the programme are available. When you switch to a paid plan, all your data will be preserved, and there will be no need to re-enter anything.
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